泰州DHL国际快递服务中心 泰州市DHL快递全球空运到门
品牌1: DHL国际快递
类型: DHL国际快递代理
承接物品: 文件,普货,机械配件,化工,药品,食品
运输方式: 国际快递,空运,海运,陆运
报价: 21.00元/件
最小起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2024-10-13 02:19
浏览次数: 8
手机号: 18036249988
电话: 18036249988

医疗设备供应瓶颈、国际边境管制更严格以及空运能力不足只是大流行期间物流业面临的一些挑战。然而,凭借其专家、码头、仓库和办公室的全球网络以及技术基础设施,DHL Global Forwarding 仍然能够有效地维护供应链。尽管空运和海运形势紧张,但急需的防护设备、药品,尤其是 SARS-CoV-2 检测试剂盒仍在运输中。此外,最近几周,新丝绸之路上整列列车的运力几乎翻了一番。在海运方面,DHL Global Forwarding 还为其客户提供业务连续性解决方案,以避免不必要的运输成本和延误。许多客户使用这些量身定制的解决方案,在制造业或零售业的需求再次增加时尽快扩大业务或生产。货物储存在安全的集装箱枢纽或目的地附近的仓库中,让客户能够快速灵活地取用他们的物品。

  DHL Global Forwarding 还在现有选项似乎用尽时为其客户提供支持。尽管货运能力大幅下降,但 DHL Global Forwarding 能够在短时间内提供资源,以确保符合良好规范 (GDP) 的药品运输。在三周内,每天有 100 多个托盘的温控药品运往中国。此外,用于在运输过程中控制温度的特殊单元装载设备盖节省了宝贵的时间。

Throughout this pandemic and beyond, DHL Global Forwarding is committed to track, comprehend, and comply with essential and increasing rules and regulations for the storage, transportation, and delivery of pharmaceuticals, medical e, biological products, and patient-specific treatments. This past December, DHL started the international distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. For the provision of its citizens, the government of Israel received the first batch of the vaccine with flights operated by DHL Express and DHL Global Forwarding. DHL Global Forwarding also dedicated a charter flight for additional supplies of vaccine doses with more to follow. Additionally, DHL Global Forwarding delivered the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines to Singapore. DHL Global Forwarding arranged for the collection of the vaccines from the manufacturing site in Puurs, Belgium, where the cargo was accompanied by security escorts on the road to the Brussels International Airport. The cargo arrived at Singapore’s Changi International Airport on December 21 where DHL handled the customs clearance and final delivery to a designated location in Singapore. The company will also handle the return of these special shipper boxes to Europe.

  • 地址:安徽省江苏省浙江省湖北省江西省等全国上门取货
  • 电话:18036249988
  • 邮件:1870801573@qq.com
  • 手机:18036249988
  • 联系人:陈经理