盐城DHL国际快递电话 盐城市DHL国际快递服务指南
品牌1: DHL国际快递
类型: DHL国际快递代理
承接物品: 文件,普货,机械配件,化工,药品,食品
运输方式: 国际快递,空运,海运,陆运
报价: 21.00元/件
最小起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2024-10-13 02:19
浏览次数: 7
手机号: 18036249988
电话: 18036249988

德国邮政 DHL 集团旗下空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 已与 Longhorn 疫苗和诊断,一家创新的分子工具、检测和疫苗开发公司,专注于满足发达国家和发展中国家未满足的关键需求,为肯尼亚、尼泊尔和菲律宾的国际移民组织 (IOM) 提供急需的 Covid-19 测试瓶.

  Longhorn 捐赠了 100 万管 PrimeStore ®分子运输介质 (MTM),以努力提高对这三个国家的难民和流离失所者进行 Covid-19 测试的安全性和有效性。面对前所未有的全球健康危机,DHL Global Forwarding 已经利用其经验丰富的 LSH 物流专家的全球网络运输了近 26,000 瓶 Longhorn 的 PrimeStore ® MTM 迄今为止。这些交付代表了对提供以患者为中心的全方位解决方案的持续承诺,并将其交付到最需要的地方——尤其是在大流行期间。

  “在这些充满挑战的时期,没有什么比保护和提供全球急需的 Covid-19 疫苗和测试能力以对抗这种流行病更重要,”DHL 全球货运美国执行官大卫戈德伯格说。“我们 DHL 长期以来一直与相信‘连接人们、改善生活’的力量的公司合作,这些交付是我们拥有知识、能力和网络来安全有效地提供帮助的另一个例子。 ”

  大流行给温控货物的复杂交付带来了越来越大的挑战,包括国际边界的更严格控制、空运能力的缺乏以及世界各地对医疗用品的高需求。出于这个原因,Longhorn 选择了 DHL Global Forwarding,这要归功于其专家、全球码头网络、仓库和办公室以及技术基础设施,仍然能够有效地维护供应链。

The pandemic has caused increased challenges in the intricate deliveries of temperature controlled shipments, including stricter controls at international borders, the absence of airfreight capacity, and high demand for medical supplies around the world. For this reason, Longhorn chose DHL Global Forwarding, who thanks to its specialists, worldwide network of terminals, warehouses and offices, and technological infrastructure, remains able to effectively maintain supply chains. Despite the strained situation in air and ocean freight, urgently-needed protective e, medicine, and SARS-CoV-2 test kits and vials in particular are still being transported.

  “once we coordinated the donation of one million PrimeStore® MTM sample collection devices with the IOM, we needed to manage the logistics of such a large endeavor,” stated Jeff Fischer President of Longhorn Vaccines and Diagnostics. “PrimeStore® MTM inactivates SARS-CoV-2 during collection and transit, which can reduce the need for safety cabinets and reduce the time between collection and results. With the need to ship to different countries on multiple continents and traverse to varied customs re, DHL was the clear choice given the importance of reliable transportation in the testing proces

  • 地址:安徽省江苏省浙江省湖北省江西省等全国上门取货
  • 电话:18036249988
  • 邮件:1870801573@qq.com
  • 手机:18036249988
  • 联系人:陈经理